Coming soon: Soulfish 2, Fish Mode

April 28th, 2011| No Comments

Largely thanks to the internet, with its endless free-flowing information, video, social media and all the rest of it, the world can seem a mighty small place sometimes. So far, so unrevelatory, but you can’t help but wonder sometimes whether it’s good for us fishermen.

Take this trailer for Soulfish 2, Fish Mode - the follow-up to the thoroughly awesome Soulfish. On the one hand, at the click of button we get a glimpse of some of the coolest fishing imaginable, from every corner of the globe – taimen in Mongolia, steelhead in British Columbia, a rather unusual Belizean grand slam, big reds in Louisiana, bonefish in Hawaii and Nile Perch in Egypt. It’s fish porn of the highest order.

For that, we’re truly thankful. The only downside is the creeping realization that if we’re to do all this, we’re going to need a LOT MORE money, more free time and a level of understanding from our wives while we’re off living the dream that’s not easily obtained.

While we’re thinking of a way to make all that happen, we’ll just have to make do with living vicariously through Mikey Wier and the guys at BURL Productions. As usual, a mix of stunning locations, pacey narrative and nifty camera-work puts you right in the thick of the action. Great work folks – can’t wait for the full video… even if it makes us the tiniest bit sad.

SOULFISH 2, FISH MODE Trailer from Mikey Wier on Vimeo.

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